
Hi, I’m Eddie, or as my mum calls me, Edward.

I am 28 and a  site engineer , which means I am responsible for ensuring buildings are the right shape, size and positioned in the right place.

I guess you could say, I followed my dad into the industry. He started working on site as soon as he left school, but ‘site’ is very different nowadays. I swear he had the same kit as they used in the Victorian times! Today we use GPS , Drones , Ground penetrating radar  and of course all the design is done digitally.

Once finishing my A levels, I’d had enough of full-time education. I managed to find work with a local construction company, as a trainee engineer and they sent me to college ‘one day a week’ to complete an HNC in building studies. I really enjoyed it, I was working with some great people and learning so much, all at the same time.

It amazes me how important each role is, in this industry. If I don’t do my job right, the Groundworkers and Bricklayers couldn’t do theirs and because of that, there is a real sense of being in a team.

My favourite part is mixing with the range of people I do, all different ages and backgrounds. A Construction qualification can take you anywhere in the world and everyone has a different story to tell. Nothing beats that Friday feeling with the lads, it hit’s 4pm and you can guess where we all head together!

I earn just as much (in fact more than) most of my friends who don’t work in Construction, and I don’t have any student loan to pay off. Winning!

I guess I owe my Dad a pint after writing this!